Free Range Beef

Free Range Beef is a Healthier choice for us to eat..The meat will have more nutrients and taste like beef is supposed to taste. Similarly, the Aroma will even be better. Could there be a connection in times past when the population was healthier? Obesity was only known by a few. Children didn’t get cancer as they do today. Not to mention a bunch of other stuff!

Let Us Offer You a Solution to the Problem You Never Thought You Had

Nutrient-Dense Beef
  1. I’m excited to introduce you to third-generation ranchers who elevate the concept of nutrient-dense beef through their dedication to studying regenerative agriculture. They discovered that the decline in nutrient quality is not due to the cows but rather soil depletion since 1923.
  2. Designed with four-compartment stomachs, cows consume a variety of nutrient-rich grasses. Without nutrient-rich soil to grow these grasses, we cannot produce nutrient-dense beef, fruits, or vegetables. Substituting grains for fresh, nutrient-rich grass is not a viable solution.
  3. The results from these ranchers’ efforts speak for themselves.

Their cattle produce beef that boasts:

  • 64% more nutrient density than other grass-finished beef and an impressive 239% more than grain-finished beef.
  • An Omega 3 to 6 ratio that is 3.5 times more beneficial for human health.
  • Essential amino acid benefits that are 70% higher than average grass-fed beef.
  • Non-essential amino acid benefits that are 80% higher.
  • Learn more about the BEEF.

Facts about Free Range Beef

  • Free Range Beef is more Nutrient Dense. They have a more natural diet, meaning they are free from Antibiotics and Livestock Feed. This ensures their meat will be more nutritious than other cows that rely mostly on feeds. Free Range Beef tastes better because the meat is leaner due to a more natural diet that results in lower fat content.
  • Free Range Beef has fewer Calories and fat because of their Cleaner and Natural Diet. The amount of Calories is Minimal compared to grain feed Beef. Free Range Beef’s fats are leaner and contain up to six times more Healthy Fats than grain-fed cattle. Their Natural Diets are based more on grass, providing more Antioxidants and improved fatty acid composition.
  • One of the Best Sources of Protein. Three ounces of Free Range Beef a day will give about 18 grams of Protein, which is essential for the development and growth of the body. Nutrient Dense Beef can help reduce the risk of Heart disease because their meat is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants like vitamin E. Learn more about the BEEF.

Nutrient-dense is a REAL Thing!

Free Range Beef

Nutrient Dense is an adjective referring to Foods that carry a High amount of Beneficial Nutrients compared to their weight or calories. They supply more Nutrients per serving than other foods. Nutrients are Minerals and Vitamins discovered in food that offer nourishment for Growing and Supports Our Bodies in Functioning. There are six Nutrients Vital for LIFE.

  1. Water 2. Fat 3. Carbohydrates 4. Proteins 5 Vitamins 6. Minerals

More Health Factors on Free-Range Beef

  • Eating Foods with more nutrients can help improve Nutrient intake. Thus Providing Health Benefits such as Blocking Weight Gain, Supporting Heart Health, and Reducing the Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes and Cancer. Sources of Nutrients -Dense foods are Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, Lean Meats, and Many Whole Grains.
  • Free Range Beef contains all three Essential Electrolytes: Potassium, Magnesium, and Sodium, which can Protect You from Electrolyte Imbalance. Symptoms include muscle spasms, twitching, weakness, numbness, nervous system disorder, and excessive tiredness.
  • Eating free-range beef will help you maintain normal blood sugar levels. It can help prevent the rise of blood glucose and reduce the risk of acquiring diabetes because of the low fat and carbohydrate content.
  • Confined cattle are more prone to bacteria and viruses, leading to diseases that humans can pass on. 18% of the samples from non-range meat contain bacteria resistant to at least three types of antibiotics. This type of bacteria can cause food poisoning when eaten.

Scientists are starting to make known Important Information concerning Nutrient-Dense Beef.

  1. Our biology is made up of 90% bacteria and fungi, which are proving to be smarter than we initially thought. For example, bacteria in cows communicate with bacteria in the grass, adjusting the grass’s nutrient composition based on the cow’s needs. This symbiotic relationship creates an intricate ecosystem that is not easily visible.
  2. Other scientists have developed a unique blend to support healthy gut bacteria and promote optimal digestive health. Another blend can aid in weight loss, and even one reverses the aging process.
  3. Despite the seemingly miraculous benefits, skepticism is natural. Therefore, further exploring these findings and products is encouraged by visiting HERE for more detailed information.

Some Concerns You might have when picking up Your Free-Range Beef at a store

  • Packages of Meat are often Treated with carbon monoxide used as a color stabilizer, giving Beef a Bright Red juicy look. This can affect the meat for a few weeks. So, the color alone cannot be used to tell how fresh it is! Use the only tool You brought with You… Your Nose! They can hide the Color but not the Aroma so much.
  • A person cannot rely on the Expiration date on the packaging to mean anything. Because Grocery Stores can package their Meat, they Control the sell-by dates. If they think the Meat is sellable after the expiration, all they have to do is put a new sticker over the old one.
  • Furthermore, here are a few more things to look out for. Who would guess that a Store would grind up ice with the beef to make it weigh more, or how about weighing the Free-Range Beef after they package it instead of before? Basically, how sinister is adding other things on the scale to add weight that should not be there? And would You believe that someone would try to sell somebody a cut of beef as something better? GO HERE for the BEEF

To Summarize, Free Range Beef

Free Range Beef
  1. While free-range beef does not automatically equate to nutrient-dense beef, nutrient-dense beef is more likely to come from free-range sources.
  2. The task of ensuring nutrient density in our food is a massive undertaking, requiring a collaborative effort on a global scale. We have a starting point and a clear understanding of the steps needed, but the journey involves navigating uncharted territory and learning as we progress.
  3. The potential benefits of consuming nutrient-dense foods are compelling – increased intelligence and improved health. Therefore, the sooner we commence this journey, the sooner we can reap the benefits. GO HERE for the BEEF
